Lavenham Church

We are open daily. Come and visit us for prayer and reflection

Welcome to the website of the churches of

St Peter & St Paul, Lavenham and

St Mary the Virgin, Preston St Mary

Welcome to St Peter & St Paul’s church Lavenham and St Mary’s Preston. We are a united benefice located in beautiful rural Suffolk, 12 miles south of Bury St Edmunds. Lavenham is a well preserved medieval village with stunning timber framed houses. The church, dedicated to St Peter & St Paul, is nationally celebrated for its architecture and its history.

Preston is a delightful village with some equally beautiful houses, and its medieval church, dedicated to Mary, mother of Our Lord.

Our churches are open every day during daylight hours.

We welcome everyone to our services. We offer a mix of worship in the central Anglican tradition, with hymns and organ music on Sunday, and a quieter more reflective service on Wednesdays. Please see the Worship page for full details.

By this everyone will know that

you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.’

John 13 v35


Lavenham Church receives no direct government funding so we rely on your generous donations to maintain our grade 1 listed church. Click on the "Donate Now" button to find out how you can donate.

A New Electoral Roll for 2025

The Church Electoral Roll is renewed completely every six years, and 2025 is one of those years.

Choral Evensong with the Cathedral Choir

The Choir of St Edmundsbury Cathedral sing Choral Evensong on Sunday 2 March at 6pm.

Study Groups for Lent

A series of five weekly groups running from 10 March to 10 April.

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