Lavenham Church

Parish Magazine



published jointly by Lavenham's Christian churches

Our Lavenham Life Parish magazine evolved from a church magazine started in 1985 and became formalised under a constitution approved by the Parochial Church Council in January 1997. It is run by a volunteer editor and business manager overseen by an editorial board comprising a lead and support representative of the Church of St Peter and St Paul, the Salvation Army and the Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady & St John the Evangelist, Sudbury.

The A5 format magazine of some 56 to 60 pages is currently produced monthly, partly in colour, and distributed through village church and commercial outlets as well as by post to subscribers further afield. It contains details and reports of church and other village organisations, their activities and future events, our Christian churches service details, parish council minutes, village contact numbers, general public organisations and services information and local bus timetables. It is supported by advertising from commercial, charitable and good cause organisations.

The current price is 70p and the annual cost to postal subscribers is currently £18.60.

Advertising rates are as follows:

Black and white advertisements per insert.

Eighth page £7.00 per monthly issue

Quarter page £11.50 per monthly issue

Half page £20.00 per monthly issue

Full page £35.00 per monthly issue

Colour advertisements per insert.

Half page £40.00 per monthly issue

Full page £70.00 per monthly issue

10% Discount for a 12 month run.

‘Charitable’ status organisations may attract discounts but advertisements should include Charitable Status or Registration number or reference to ‘not for profit’ organisation or recipient of proceeds from an event.

The deadline for copy and payment is normally the 17th of the month preceding the month of publication.

Editorial and other contributions should be directed to the Editor, Kevin Slingsby .Tel: 01787 389409

Advertisements and advertising editorial for commercial activities and good causes should be directed to the Business Manager, David Boast - Tel: 01787 249511

Last month's edition:

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